family home visiting
Promising Practices
We partner with parents and caregivers of preschoolers aged 3-to-5-years-old for healthy
child development and family well-being.
Services That Support Your Needs.
We are trained professionals who can answer your questions and provide real help. We help children and their parents or caregivers build executive function and self-regulation skills.
- We make home visits weekly or bi-weekly to boost kindergarten-readiness and build skills for lifelong focus and resilience.
- We assist families in setting goals and making a plan for success.
- We utilize the EGG Toolkit. EGG is short for “Empowering Generational Greatness. EGG contains fun, flexible, and science-backed activities to help children and their parents or caregivers build executive function and self-regulation skills.
- We help children and parents learn to share thoughts and feelings, reflect on behavior, and manage emotions.
- We provide incentives for participation and achieving goals and an at-home children’s book library.
- We connect families to community resources so your family is safe and supported.
- We nurture joy in your home!

Program Overview
Who is this for?
Families of 3-to-5-year-olds enrolled in Four Directions Preschool or North Minneapolis Preschool and families involved in other programs at The Family Partnership.
How do I enroll?
To enroll in the program, contact program staff below to complete a referral:
- Valencia Perryman
Director, Healthy Families America
Direct: 612-294-2683
- Valencia Perryman
- Danielle Bell
Promising Practices Home Visitor, North Minneapolis Preschool
Direct: 612-759-7283
What is the cost?
Promising Practices is a free program funded by a Promising Practices grant to The Family Partnership from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Child and Family Health Division.
Where is it located?
We conduct Home Visits. Hours as arranged.
Let’s talk!
To find out more about Promising Practices, download our flyer or contact:

Danielle Bell
Promising Practices Home Visitor, North Minneapolis Preschool
The Family Partnership – North Minneapolis
Direct: 612-759-7283