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Family Home Visiting

Through Family Home Visiting, we educate and empower parents to gain skills and strengthen the health and well-being of their family. We assist families in identifying their strengths, setting goals and striving towards positive and lasting changes.

We provide support, education and resources.

We help parents gain skills, strengthen their child’s development, and clear the path to whole family health and success. Our home visitors work in a culturally respectful way to build trusting relationships with your family, meeting you when and where it works for you.

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Healthy Families America

We build positive relationships between parent and child to improve child development and well-being. 

We are an affiliate site of Healthy Families America, a 25+-year program that is based on extensive research using a two-generation (2Gen) approach. Our home visitors assist pregnant women and new parents/caregivers in building healthy, nurturing relationships with their children.

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Parenting for the Future

We build skills for parents with cognitive limitations adversely affecting their parenting skills who have a child under age five living at home. 

We provide parenting education, access to community resources and joint activities for parents and children to build their relationship. While we build parenting skills, we also ensure that children are developmentally on-track.

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Promising Practices Program

We partner with parents and caregivers of preschoolers aged 3-to-5-years-old for healthy child development and family well-being.

We are trained professionals who can answer your questions and provide real help. Through ongoing home visits, we help children and their parents or caregivers build executive function and self-regulation skills.

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Parent Support Outreach Program

We support parents with at least one child age 10 or younger to identify risk factors to child and family well-being. 

We connect parents to community resources for family health, basic needs (such as housing) or access to financial assistance. Through early intervention and in-home coaching and education, we increase parenting skills and family stability to avoid entry into the child welfare system.

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Parent Capacity-Building Program

We work with parents involved with Child Protection to build parenting skills and promote well-being for their family.

We help families who are experiencing challenges staying together. Through in-home coaching and education, we increase parenting skills and family stability for child well-being. We connect parents to community resources for basic needs and our coach helps parents set goals to attain greater self-sufficiency and educational/economic success.

Have questions?

Contact us for more information about our Family Home Visiting services today.

We ultimately support children by giving parents the tools they want and need to be their best possible selves.

Molly Greenman, former President and CEO of The Family Partnership

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Looking for additional services?

We provide holistic services including mental health therapy, early childhood education and care, family home visiting and advocacy services.