Inviting Greater Minnesota Home Visiting Programs to Executive Functioning Pilots

The Family Partnership is expanding pilots across Minnesota of its Virtual Home Visiting Executive Functioning Across Generations™ curriculum. Through a partnership with the Minnesota Coalition for Family Home Visiting and the Medica Foundation, The Family Partnership seeks geographic and cultural diversity in the family pilot participants from northern, central and southern Minnesota programs.
Three sites selected, applications remain open!
Three sites are conducting new pilots of The Family Partnership’s parenting component of the executive functioning curriculum in Minnesota. Family Home Visiting pilots are beginning in Stearns County and the Healthy Families America® programs with Headway and The Family Partnership in Minneapolis. Each pilot site will recruit 10 households with at least one parent and a child 3-5 years of age in the household. The curriculum is designed for delivery in 10 sessions over 20 weeks.
Who is eligible? Any Home Visiting program in Minnesota, serving families with children ages 3-5 is eligible to apply for this pilot program—full details are in the application materials here.
Application deadline extended until participants are selected! Applications should be emailed to: John Everett Till, VP of Strategy and Innovation, The Family Partnership at Call 612-728-2086 with any questions.
Programs will receive training in brain-science concepts and coaching during the implementation process, implementation funding and ongoing access to the Virtual Adaptation of the Executive Functioning Across Generations™ curriculum materials. Full details in the application materials.
Brain-Science Curriculum Builds Core Life Skills
The Family Partnership’s intervention counteracts the negative impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and trauma faced by many young children and families, especially those living in poverty. The 2Gen Executive Functioning Across Generations© curriculum, is the first designed to boost children’s and their caregiver’s executive functioning and self-regulation skills – the essential skills needed to stay on track with goals, imagine consequences of actions, inhibit impulsive behavior and succeed in school and life.
Award-winning, Nationally Piloted Curriculum
The Minnesota Council on Nonprofits (MCN) recognized The Family Partnership as the winner of its 2021 Nonprofit Mission Award for Innovation for the Executive Functioning Across Generations™ model.
The Family Partnership’s original curriculum for preschool classrooms, piloted in 2017-2019, led to national pilots in four states. The curriculum was adapted for home visiting and parenting group pilots supported by The Harvard Center on the Developing Child Frontiers of Innovation (FOI).
Dr. Chris Wing developed the language-based curriculum that first establishes “Internal State Words” for thoughts, feelings, sensory perceptions, physical sensations and moral concepts. As children learn, they can use these words to identify and express themselves and develop personal narratives about their experiences. As parents’ skills related to executive function and self-regulation increase, they are able to model use of these language skills with their children. The parents also increase their ability to recognize and respond to their children and provide supportive relationships.
Read more about how Brain-Science informs our work here.