Help Minneapolis Preschoolers Heal through Play Therapy

In honor of World Mental Health Day on October 10, support Minneapolis preschoolers in play therapy and other healing programs at The Family Partnership!
Play therapy is proven to help children heal from trauma, process emotions, and improve disruptive classroom behaviors. Early interventions like play therapy at The Family Partnership help hundreds of young children in Minneapolis build a foundation for healing and success in school.
Just $20/day covers weekly play therapy that keeps a young child on the path to success.
Your donation will help children like Paloma
With teary eyes and an aching throat, four-year-old Paloma wondered why no one understood her and she was always getting in trouble. Her teacher, Mr. Dan, was soothing her best friend, who was crying because Paloma had gotten frustrated and thrown her shoe at her. Paloma had been trying to get her needs met in the only way she knew how – by screaming and reacting impulsively.

Paloma is a four-year-old student attending our preschools. For Paloma and hundreds of Minneapolis children, play therapy at The Family Partnership provides a safe place to express their experiences and feelings.
Thankfully, Ms. Sara walked into the classroom, and Paloma’s attention shifted. They went to a playroom where Paloma screamed, jumped and played without getting in trouble. She ran straight for her special toy. “Rawrrrr!” She ran back to Ms. Sara screaming with the stuffed tiger. “I eat you,” she said as she pretended the tiger was biting her. Paloma then slammed the tiger into a smaller toy repeatedly. Ms. Sara softly asked, “How is the tiger feeling?” Paloma looked up and said, “Feels icky and I want it out.” Ms. Sara ended the session by asking Paloma to take a few deep breaths before entering the classroom again.
Paloma had seen her family coping as best as they could through continued community gun violence and family instability. Spending time with Ms. Sara helped her process and make sense of these experiences.
As Paloma approached graduation this past August, her disruptive behaviors in the classroom occurred less frequently. Ms. Sara reported that Paloma now played with a kitten during therapy, showing her progress from aggression and frustration to calm and playful. She no longer threw shoes when she got frustrated because the preschool provided the space and support to work through her trauma and experiences. Even at her young age, Paloma now knew what she was feeling and how to talk about those feelings, including asking for help.

Now through midnight on October 10th, support Minneapolis preschoolers in play therapy and other healing programs at The Family Partnership
Together we can support early interventions that are proven to help children heal from trauma, overcome developmental challenges and prepare for lifelong success and well-being. Now through October 10th, your giving will support children like Paloma who attend play therapy, along with thousands of children and families who experience healing and growth in our programs.